While we specialize in working with German Shepherds, we have extensive experience training thousands of dogs of all breeds, temperaments, and age. Obedience Training is important for all dogs and to help ensure problems don’t continue to arise or get worse. Your happy house is our priority.
Does Your Dog…
- Jump on visitors?
- Chew on furniture and other items?
- Bark excessively?
- Disobey and ignore your commands?
- Nip at people or other animals?
- Do the “unmentionable” on your favorite carpet?
- Dig up your yard or flower bed?
If you’ve checked any of the above, you and your dog need the help of a professional trainer. We will come to your home at your convenience and evaluate your individual situation.
What Can You Expect?
After 8 weeks your dog will…
- Sit
- Heel
- Come
- Sit Stay
- Finish Heel
- Side Down
- Front Down
- Down Stay
- Automatic Sit
- Drop On Recall
Maybe you received a dog from the shelter and looking for him/her to become a well behaved member of your family. Maybe you went through puppy training elsewhere and need a specialized training for your dog that addresses their individual needs. Whatever your reasons, you should expect a well trained dog that listens to your commands even while under any distractions. You will be provided with the tools to work with your dog in the comfort of your own home.
During the course of our training, all behavior problems are corrected!
A well behaved dog is not only for your overall enjoyment with your new best friend, but also for the safety of the dog!